Discovering Statistics Using Spss Pdf
Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics (5th ed.) by Andy Field. Read online, or download in secure PDF or secure ePub format Unrivalled in the way it makes the teaching of statistics through the use of IBM SPSS statistics compelling and accessible to even the most anxious of students. Jan 04, 2019 Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Learn more Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App.
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📒Discovering Statistics Using Spss For Windows✍ Andy P. Field
✏Author : Andy P. Field
✏Publisher : SAGE
✏Release Date : 2000
✏Pages : 496
✏ISBN : 9780761957553
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French
✏Discovering Statistics Using SPSS for Windows Book Summary : Andy Field draws on his experience of teaching advanced statistics to extend existing SPSS windows texts to a higher level. He covers ANOVA, MANOVA, logistic regression, comparing means tests and factor analysis.
✏Author : Andy Field
✏Publisher : SAGE
✏Release Date : 2007-08-17
✏Pages : 856
✏ISBN : 9780857020963
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French
✏Discovering Statistics Using SPSS Book Summary : 'In this brilliant new edition Andy Field has introduced important new introductory material on statistics that the student will need and was missing at least in the first edition. This book is the best blend that I know of a textbook in statistics and a manual on SPSS. It is a balanced composite of both topics, using SPSS to illustrate important statistical material and, through graphics, to make visible important approaches to data analysis. There are many places in the book where I had to laugh, and that's saying a lot for a book on statistics. His excellent style engages the reader and makes reading about statistics fun' - David C Howell, Professor Emeritus, University of Vermont USA This award-winning text, now fully updated with SPSS Statistics, is the only book on statistics that you will need! Fully revised and restructured, this new edition is even more accessible as it now takes students through from introductory to advanced level concepts, all the while grounding knowledge through the use of SPSS Statistics. Andy Field's humorous and self-deprecating style and the book's host of characters make the journey entertaining as well as educational. While still providing a very comprehensive collection of statistical methods, tests and procedures, and packed with examples and self-assessment tests to reinforce knowledge, the new edition now also offers: - a more gentle introduction to basic-level concepts and methods for beginners - new textbook features to make the book more user-friendly for those learning about more advanced concepts, encouraging 'critical thinking' - a brand new, full-colour design, making it easy for students to navigate between topics, and to understand how to use the latest version of SPSS Statistics - both 'real world' (the bizarre and the wonderful) and invented examples illustrate the concepts and make the techniques come alive for students - an additional chapter on multilevel modelling for advanced-level students - reinforced binding to make the book easier to handle at a computer workstation. The book also includes access to a brand new and improved companion Website, bursting with features including: - animated 'SPSS walk-through' videos clearly demonstrating how to use the latest SPSS Statistics modules - self-marking multiple choice questions - data sets for psychology, business and management and health sciences - a flash-card glossary for testing knowledge of key concepts - access to support material from SAGE study skills books. Statistics lecturers are also provided with a whole range of resources and teaching aids, including: - the test bank - over 300 multiple-choice questions ready to upload to WebCT, Blackboard or other virtual learning environments - charts and diagrams in electronic format for inclusion in lecture slides - PowerPoint slides written by the author to accompany chapters of the text.
📒Discovering Statistics Using Ibm Spss Statistics✍ Andy Field
Discovering Statistics Using Ibm Spss Pdf
✏Author : Andy Field
✏Publisher : SAGE
✏Release Date : 2013-01-24
✏Pages : 952
✏ISBN : 9781446249178
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French
✏Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics Book Summary : Unrivalled in the way it makes the teaching of statistics compelling and accessible to even the most anxious of students, the only statistics textbook you and your students will ever need just got better! Andy Field's comprehensive and bestselling Discovering Statistics Using SPSS 4th Edition takes students from introductory statistical concepts through very advanced concepts, incorporating SPSS throughout. The Fourth Edition focuses on providing essential content updates, better accessibility to key features, more instructor resources, and more content specific to select disciplines. It also incorporates powerful new digital developments on the textbook's companion website (visit for more information). WebAssign® The Fourth Edition will be available on WebAssign, allowing instructors to produce and manage assignments with their studnets online using a grade book that allows them to track and monitor students' progress. Students receive unlimited practice using a combination of approximately 2000 multiple choice and algorithmic questions. WebAssign provided students with instant feedback and links directly to the accompanying eBook section where the concept was covered, allowing students to find the correct solution. SAGE MobileStudy SAGE MobileStudy allows students equipped with smartphones and tablets to access select material, such as Cramming Sam's Study Tips, anywhere they receive mobile service. With QR codes included throughout the text, it's easy for students to get right to the section they need to study, allowing them to continue their study from virtually anywhere, even when they are away from thier printed copy of the text. Visit the publisher's website to preview the MobileStudy site. Education and Sport Sciences instructor support materials with enhanced ones for Psychology, Business and Management and the Health sciences make the book even more relevant to a wider range of subjects across the social sciences and where statistics is taught to a cross-disciplinary audience. Major Updates to the 4th Edition Fully compatible with recent SPSS releases up to and including version 20.0 Exciting new characters, including statistical cult leader Oditi, who provides students access to interesting and helpful video clips to illustrate statistical and SPSS concepts, and Confusious, who helps students clarify confusing quantitative terminology New discipline specific support matierlas have been added for Education, Sports Sciences, Psychology, Business & Management, and Health Sciences, making the book even more relevant to a wider range of subjects across the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences is taught to an interdisciplinary audience. An enhanced Companion Website (visit the publisher's website for more information) offers a wealth of material that can be used in conjunction with the textbook, including: PowerPoints Testbanks Answers to the Smart Alex tasks at the end of each chapter Datafiles for testing problems in SPSS Flashcards of key concepts Self-assessment multiple-choice questions Online videos of key statistical and SPSS procedures
📒Discovering Statistics Using Spss✍ Andy P. Field
✏Author : Andy P. Field
✏Publisher : SAGE
✏Release Date : 2005
✏Pages : 779
✏ISBN : 0761944524
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏Discovering Statistics Using SPSS Book Summary : Get the Statistics Book That's Sweeping the Nation! Appropriate for All Levels--Undergraduate to Doctorate Programs in Every Discipline! This new edition of Field's bestselling textbook provides students of statistical methods with everything they need to understand, use and report statistics - at every level. Written in Andy Field's vivid and entertaining style, and furnished with playful examples from everyday student life (among other places), the book forms an accessible gateway into the often intimidating world of statistics and a unique opportunity for students to ground their knowledge of statistics through the use of SPSS. The text is fully compliant with the latest release of SPSS (version 13). Key updates in Second Edition: - More coverage with completely new material on non-parametric statistics, loglinear analysis, effect sizes and how to report statistical analysis - Even more student-friendly features, including a glossary of key statistical terms and exercises at the end of chapters for students to work through, with datasets and answers to chapter exercises on the accompanying CD-ROM - A larger and more easy-to-reference format: notation in each section identifies the intended level of study while the new 2-color text design enhances the features in the book and, together with the larger format, provides extra clarity throughout - A companion website is available at, containing resources for both students and instructors: a testbank of MCQs for students to test their own knowledge; online glossary in flash card format; multiple choice questions and answers to use for class assessment - available on restricted access basis to instructors via entry password; and PowerPoint Slides of all formatted artwork in the textbook for instructors to include in their own lecture slides. Andy Field is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at The University of Sussex, U.K. where his success in making statistics accessible was recognized with a teaching award in 2001. 'The Second Edition of Andy Field's Discovering Statistics Using SPSS is an excellent book and a valuable addition to the teaching of statistics in the behavioral sciences. The title of the book accurately reflects the approach taken. This is not simply a primer on how to use SPSS, but is a very good statistics text using SPSS as a vehicle for illustrating and expanding on the statistical content of the book. At the same time it also serves as a manual for SPSS, and has taught me things that I had not known about the software. I find this flexible approach to the blending of content and software to be an effective way of teaching the material. It is impossible to review this book without commenting on Andy's particular style. I enjoyed it immensely and think that it would appeal to both students and their instructors. It is refreshing to see someone who doesn't take himself too seriously.' -- David C Howell, Professor Emeritus, University of Vermont
📒Business Statistics Using Excel And Spss✍ Nick Lee
✏Author : Nick Lee
✏Publisher : SAGE
✏Release Date : 2015-12-16
✏Pages : 584
✏ISBN : 9781473943896
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French
✏Business Statistics Using EXCEL and SPSS Book Summary : 'Takes the challenging and makes it understandable. The book contains useful advice on the application of statistics to a variety of contexts and shows how statistics can be used by managers in their work.' - Dr Terri Byers, Assistant Professor, University Of New Brunswick, Canada A book about introductory quantitative analysis, the authors show both how and why quantitative analysis is useful in the context of business and management studies, encouraging readers to not only memorise the content but to apply learning to typical problems. Fully up-to-date with comprehensive coverage of IBM SPSS and Microsoft Excel software, the tailored examples illustrate how the programmes can be used, and include step-by-step figures and tables throughout. A range of ‘real world’ and fictional examples, including 'The Ballad of Eddie the Easily Distracted' and 'Esha's Story' help bring the study of statistics alive. A number of in-text boxouts can be found throughout the book aimed at readers at varying levels of study and understanding Back to Basics for those struggling to understand, explain concepts in the most basic way possible - often relating to interesting or humorous examples Above and Beyond for those racing ahead and who want to be introduced to more interesting or advanced concepts that are a little bit outside of what they may need to know Think it over get students to stop, engage and reflect upon the different connections between topics A range of online resources including a set of data files and templates for the reader following in-text examples, downloadable worksheets and instructor materials, answers to in-text exercises and video content compliment the book. An ideal resource for undergraduates taking introductory statistics for business, or for anyone daunted by the prospect of tackling quantitative analysis for the first time.

✏Author : Manfred te Grotenhuis
✏Publisher : SAGE Publications
✏Release Date : 2014-01-14
✏Pages : 144
✏ISBN : 9781483347080
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French
✏How to Use SPSS Syntax Book Summary : Rather than focusing on SPSS menus and the graphic user interface, How to Use SPSS Syntax, by Manfred te Grotenhuis and Chris Visscher, focuses on the syntax rules in SPSS, a more encompassing approach that allows readers to replicate statistical analyses by storing them in a file for future use. Practical, accessible, and highly focused, the book is brief, while still helping readers develop an in-depth understanding of the common syntax rules and commands. In every chapter, the authors clearly explain the syntax, show the main results, and include social science research examples and downloadable files that allow readers to follow along. Checks throughout the book help readers determine whether the syntax is used correctly.
✏Author : Alfred DeMaris
✏Publisher : SAGE
✏Release Date : 1992-06-06
✏Pages : 87
✏ISBN : 0803943776
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French
✏Logit Modeling Book Summary : Logit Modeling represents a breakthrough for researchers because it offers ways for more efficient estimation of models with multiple categorical variables, particularly whenever the measurement assumptions for classical multiple regression fail to be met. Taking an applied approach, DeMaris begins by describing the logit model in the context of the general loglinear model, moving its application from two-way to multidimensional tables. He then divides the rest of the book between an examination of the varieties of logit models for contingency tables and logistic regression. Throughout his coverage of both these major areas, DeMaris emphasizes interpretation of results. The book concludes with an extension of logistic regression to dependent variables with more than two categories.
📒Residuals And Influence In Regression✍ R. Dennis Cook
✏Author : R. Dennis Cook
✏Publisher : Chapman & Hall/CRC
✏Release Date : 1982
✏Pages : 230
✏ISBN : UCAL:B4406665
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French
✏Residuals and Influence in Regression Book Summary : Diagnostic methods using residuals; Assessment of influence; Alternative approaches to influence; Assessment of influence in other problems.
✏Author :
✏Publisher :
✏Release Date : 2015
✏Pages :
✏ISBN : UCR:31210024283473
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French
✏Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Book Summary :
📒Central Tendency And Variability✍ Herbert Weisberg
✏Author : Herbert Weisberg
✏Publisher : SAGE
✏Release Date : 1992
✏Pages : 89
✏ISBN : 0803940076
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French
Andy Field Statistics Spss
✏Central Tendency and Variability Book Summary : Using a clear, expository style that builds from simple to more complex topics, Weisberg explains how to measure the centre and variation on a single variable. Beginning with an exploration of how to measure variables with different numeric or non-numeric properties, the volume covers such important topics as ways to examine distributions of variables, ways to measure the spread of a variable in order to see how much the values on the variable differ, how to generalize the sample results to the population and the use of exploratory data analysis to measure centre and spread.