Installing Caffe For Windows Python

Apr 05, 2017 If you want to install Caffe on Ubuntu 16.04 along with Anaconda (Python 3.6 version), here is an installation guide: Install Nvidia driver and Cuda (Optional) If you want to use GPU to accelerate, follow instructions here to install Nvidia drivers, CUDA 8RC and cuDNN 5 (skip caffe installation there). Install Anaconda. Download Anaconda from here.
I'm trying to use Caffe in Anaconda3 on windows, but when I try to import caffe in iPython, it shows this error:
ImportError: No module named caffe
I tried to add a new system variable named PYTHONPATH which looks like this:
It still shows the same error. I would appreciate if anyone mentioned what am I missing here?

1 Answer
REM Create a new conda environment to install CaffeREM You can use python 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7
REM activate the environmentREM Depending on your conda version you may have to use activate caffe
REM add the anaconda channel to resolve all dependencies
REM Install caffe with cuda support or install caffe-cpu if you do not want CUDA support
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Caffe is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind.It is developed by Berkeley AI Research (BAIR)/The Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC) and community contributors.
Check out the project site for all the details like
- BAIR reference models and the community model zoo
and step-by-step examples.
Windows Setup
Requirements: Visual Studio 2015, CUDA 9.0, third party libraries: Baidu Yun or Google Drive. Please extract the archive into ./windows/thirdparty/
. Then, add the folder ./windows/thirdparty/bins
to the environment variable PATH
Pre-Build Steps
Copy .windowsCommonSettings.props.example
to .windowsCommonSettings.props
By defaults Windows build requires CUDA
and cuDNN
libraries.Both can be disabled by adjusting build variables in .windowsCommonSettings.props
.Python support is disabled by default, but can be enabled via .windowsCommonSettings.props
as well.
Download CUDA Toolkit 8.0
from nVidia website.If you don't have CUDA installed, you can experiment with CPU_ONLY build.In .windowsCommonSettings.props
set CpuOnlyBuild
to true
and set UseCuDNN
to false
Caffe Python Install
Download cuDNN v5
from nVidia website.Unpack downloaded zip to %CUDA_PATH% (environment variable set by CUDA installer).Alternatively, you can unpack zip to any location and set CuDnnPath
to point to this location in .windowsCommonSettings.props
defined in .windowsCommonSettings.props
.Also, you can disable cuDNN by setting UseCuDNN
to false
in the property file.
To build Caffe Python wrapper set PythonSupport
to true
in .windowsCommonSettings.props
.Download Miniconda 2.7 64-bit Windows installer [from Miniconda website] ( for all users and add Python to PATH (through installer).
Run the following commands from elevated command prompt:
After you have built solution with Python support, in order to use it you have to either:
- set
environment variable to point to<caffe_root>Buildx64Releasepycaffe
, or - copy folder
To build Caffe Matlab wrapper set MatlabSupport
to true
and MatlabDir
to the root of your Matlab installation in .windowsCommonSettings.props
Anaconda Caffe Install Windows 10
After you have built solution with Matlab support, in order to use it you have to add the ./matlab
folder to Matlab search path.
Installing Caffe For Windows Python Server
Now, you should be able to build .windowsCaffe.sln
Installing Python For Windows 10
License and Citation
Caffe is released under the BSD 2-Clause license.The BAIR/BVLC reference models are released for unrestricted use.
Please cite Caffe in your publications if it helps your research: