Open Source 3d Scanning Software
Good day everyone,
The Ciclop 3D scanner is an open source project that anyone who wants to invest some time can build. So all the designs for the component parts, the hardware, the software and the firmware are available on-line. May 06, 2015 Microsoft Kinect for Xbox revealed itself as an excellent scanner, with which to acquire the shape of items. Let’s see how to use it along with ReconstructMe, that in its more recent versions allows the creation of models that are accurate and ready to use. The scan of solid objects, better known as 3D scanning, allows to obtain computer models with which to create virtual digital scenarios.
Little bit of an introduction and background:
My name is Dave and I am from Bristol in the UK. Late last year I took the plunge and after much research and question asking I bought myself a 3D printer. The printer I opted for was the Lulzbot TAZ5. This printer is a product of Aleph Objects Inc which are based in Colorado USA - I point out now I have no connection with the company at all other than buying one of their printers. I have found the printer to be excellent, very reliable and a joy to use. As important as the printer the customer support from Lulzbot has been amazing, no in fact exceptional !
For anyone interested here is a little video I made going through the printer unboxing and set up:
I have been using the printer to print all sorts of things from artistic sculptures to brackets for bikes. A while ago I came across the open source Ciclop 3D scanner project and thought I had to build the design.
The Ciclop 3D scanner is an open source project that anyone who wants to invest some time can build. So all the designs for the component parts, the hardware, the software and the firmware are available on-line. Therefore, this instructable is not my design but instead a description of how I went about building the Ciclop scanner. I have made some small modifications here and there to the printable parts to better suit my particular 3D printer. These modifications are specifically to the support structures required to print overhangs.
Most of this instructable consists of lots of photographs, screen shots and some video showing the progress I made building the Ciclop and hopefully will help anyone else who may want to have a crack at building one.

Can anyone recommend software for scanning documents/images? Preferable opensource / freeware.
Ideally I would like to capture the images and provide some form of indexation if possible, and to save the documents either to a directory or directly into a database (Oracle BLOB for example)
I'm looking for some good alternatives to Kofax or Oracle Document Capture
user155695user155695closed as off-topic by Canadian Luke, Heptite, random♦May 7 '14 at 0:46
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
- 'Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they become outdated quickly and attract opinion-based answers. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve. Share your research. Here are a few suggestions on how to properly ask this type of question.' – Canadian Luke, Heptite, random
2 Answers
Try SimpleOCR
Input Formats
SimpleOCR works with all fully compliant TWAIN scanners and also accepts input from TIFF files.
Open Source 3d Photo Scanning Software
Output Formats
SimpleOCR can save the documents it acquires in text formats (TXT and RTF) importable into most every program such as Word, WordPerfect, HTML editors, and e-mail programs, either fully formatted or as plain text. Additionally, it can save scanned documents in the industry standard TIFF format, a format as widely accepted as PDF files.
Try CuneiForm or Tesseract (currently developed by Google).